My Story – and Why I wrote this book:

I was in my late twenties, activeenergetic, and always on the go. I loved that lifestyle. It was how I was reared; it was how I lived life – to the fullest – always!

Then I got sick. After six or eight months I was finally diagnosed with the Epstein-Barr virus, at that time also called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I learned that doctors, at least back then, couldn’t cure viruses and that a third of the people never recovered from this.

Something inside of me told me to work on rebuilding my immune system naturally. For the next three years, as I went through this illness, I learned so much about our bodies, and about the natural healing power within our bodies, that I knew deep in my heart this was something I was to share. I also learned about how to rebuild the immune system naturally.

I have come to believe that many different illnesses and conditions have the same root yet are sometimes called by different names.

It took me a long time to finally write my book and share the information. If you are looking to understand your body more, understand the natural healing power within your body, or looking for hope, inspiration, or things you can do to begin rebuilding your immune system naturally, I encourage you to get your own copy. This book is designed to give you information, inspiration, and resources.

What are the Problems and Solutions this book answers?

1. We use a GPS to find direction when we are going someplace or get lost. 

If you are going on a journey to find, recover, reclaim your health, or find your way through whatever health issues you are facing, why not tap into your own internal GPS? That is what this book is designed to help you begin to do. (There are also classes available that go into more detail.)

2. Does your body have a perfect order to it?

If it does, could there be a perfect order to your healing? Does it go deeper than the medicines and surgery available today? Could learning about the body give you additional tools or understanding to help in your own healing?

3. What have other people done to recover from terminal or chronic illnesses? Can their journey and what they have learned give you some insight, tools, or resources to help you on your journey?

This book includes some ideas, input, and resources that others have used as they have recovered from cancer and learned to cope with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. It also includes resources or ideas that may help you or your loved ones.

4. Is there an approach that can help any illness? Does it make common sense to get your body back in balance? Is there wisdom with balancing the knowledge of the western world with the knowledge of the eastern world? Can people heal from incurable illnesses or conditions?

Read about a person who healed from stage 4 melanoma and his insight in teaching people how to talk to people with cancer, and a resource he used where a daughter was healed from mental retardation.

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How these Lessons Have Expanded Over Time:

  1. From Book and eBook to Wellness Class given at eVOLVE. This normally 4 hour class is now offered virtually or in person, along with a workbook, and can be adjusted to be a 1-hour class to a full day workshop, depending upon your needs.
  2. From Class to Speaking at Harvard Club of Boston to Podcast: In the beginning of 2019, the podcast, Be Healthy in a Hurry, was birthed. This is a weekly podcast which shares nutrition, mindset (Betty speaks on mindset), and fitness on a variety of topics to learn, and bring, your health back into balance—often easily. Season 8-Optimal Order-goes into more detail of concepts originally introduced in the book.
  3. From Podcast to Yoga and Wellness CRUISE (sponosred in part by What Is Holistic Health) where classes were taught to Naturally Recharge Your Health, Naturally Recharge Your Immune System, and Naturally Recharge Your Mind. Classes and programs on Naturally Recharging Your Health are now available, and bits and pieces for the other two programs are available and will be developed into full courses within the next few years.
  4. From Cruise, to Acapulco Wellness Retreat and MasterMind. All three programs were presented and it was suggested to take the information and provide it through a membership site. Work began on this program with a professional videographer and editor. The monthly membership program: Optimal Order: The Secrets to Revitalizing Your Health is just about ready and will be released before the end of 2022.

Take A Look At What These People Are Saying About Our Bodies: The Optimal Design:

“Elizabeth has produced a book with fascinating insights about the human body and its design.

Randal James, Author of “Champions for Health”

“Ms. Norlin’s book is a perfect coffee table book for the alternative healing office’s waiting room because it is easy and fun for the beginner to approach the idea that there are alternatives to suffering or illness. As Ms. Norlin takes us through her journey with looking beyond Western medicine to help resolve her chronic issue, she gives the reader inspiration and resources to tap into the healing power within their own bodies.”

Alison J. Kay, PhD, Holistic Life Coach, Energy Healer, YA India trained Yoga & Meditation Teacher, author of “What if There’s Nothing Wrong?”


“In her first book, Our Bodies: The Optimal Design, Elizabeth helps people understand there is so much more to our bodies than meets the eyes – and through her eyes helps the readers to begin listening to their own bodies in new ways.

Jan Fowler, author and teacher of alternative medicine.

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