
Writing: 90-Day Write Your Heart Out! from Conception to Published Author Program

Original price was: $1,479.00.Current price is: $749.00.

Write Your Heart Out! 90 days from conception to published author

*12 weeks of Training and Guidance ending in Virtual Book Launch!
*New Price $749 for 12 weeks! Next Class begins June 5, Wednesday night, 8-9pm EST on Zoom!

*Follow the timeline and guidance of weekly directions to take your idea to finished product in 90 days
Virtual groups can help you collaborate with others going through the same experience
Weekly Virtual Group Calls for guidance through the process

Pre-requisite for this program is to do the 7-day challenge first, which provides steps that will be used within this program and determines if you qualify. Limited number of seats available.

From Conception to Published in 90 Days

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